In 2007 European Union High Representative Javier Solana launched an initiative called Managing Global Insecurity saying “the aim of this project is ambitious and urgent: to launch a new reform effort for the global security system in 2009”. At that time, Solana told the United States that we will enter into the system of global governance by year end 2008. This initiative is ambitious. It bridges multiple interlocking security initiatives for use in the administration of global governance. Most notable is the Shared Security doctrine which aims to incorporate civil society and the military into one security apparatus. The idea is that in a world without borders traditional threats to nations no longer are other states; rather they come from radicalized individuals who reside within the nation. This is the core of the United Nations global counter-terrorism strategy. Nations therefore need to practice “responsible democracy” to ensure protection of the global citizenry— “we the people of the United Nations”—and root out terrorists from within. Solana refers to this as ‘war amongst the people”. The result is to be a global human security zone.
Spearheading the implementation of Shared Security is an organization which I have monitored from its beginnings—the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations. The Alliance of Civilizations professes its mission to be “the global governance of the culture”. Its foundation is traceable to the European Union’s social cohesion policy—the social dimension of the Barcelona Process—as architected by former Marxist and present socialist Javier Solana. Solana’s social cohesion strategy was formed to “straighten out the clash of civilizations” by creating a new common civilization based upon a system of “shared values”. The new civilization will be realized once it has successfully combated religious fundamentalism worldwide. In 2006 Solana’s vision moved a step closer to reality when Kofi Annan made the Alliance of Civilizations the central organ of the United Nations global counter-terrorism strategy. The work of the Alliance includes the establishment of a global ethic and identification of those radical ideologies which lead to terrorism.
Despite Alliance of Civilizations’ claims that they seek religious tolerance, the opposite is true. As one takes the time to read what the Alliance is saying, it becomes glaringly clear that the initiative is openly hostile towards religion, in particular the three monotheistic faiths. Angelo Santagostino Chair of European Economic Integration describes the initiative as “offensive and unjustifiably hostile” towards religion. The Alliance’s governing body, the High Level Group, attributes religious fundamentalism and extremism to those who refuse to agree with a Universalist world view that we all worship the same God but follow different paths. Those individuals, they say, have adopted ‘exclusivist” ideologies which are violently radicalizing. Political dissenters who oppose globalization also fall into this category. Organizations such as Hezbollah are now considered reasonable because they practice “tactical terrorism” meaning that they have a political wing with which negotiations are possible. Karen Armstrong, apostate nun, “religious historian” and Alliance of Civilizations High Level Group member earlier this year announced that she is writing guidelines for the interpretation of religious texts. The High Level Group has said that they have conducted a pedagogical exercise in truth which they will provide the civilization in mid 2010 and it is only extremists who will reject it. One might expect Armstrong’s guidelines to reflect her personal theological arguments such as Christians have perverted religious texts by adopting a belief in Christ’s divinity; the serpent was more truthful than God in the garden; that God has an evil impulse and that, being a good thing, is something we need to embrace; Mary, upon learning of her pregnancy, broke into song of the coming new world order, ad nauseum.
The Alliance of Civilizations and Shared Security have been given teeth. Solana envisions his global model of Civilian Military Co-operation (CIMIC) which subjects civil society to military rule to be implemented in the event of a crisis. Solana, being a former Secretary-General of NATO, has incorporated the Alliance of Civilizations and the Barcelona Process into the NATO framework through the Riga and Prague Summit Declarations. Solana has repeatedly said the goal is to utilize American assets. The Berlin-Plus Agreement signed by President Bush gives Solana control of American assets in the event of a crisis situation. Solana’s Headline Goals which highly militarizes the European Union is scheduled to be fully functioning in 2010. Solana speaks the language of peace while preparing for war.
I write this because America is about to step deeper into this mess. I, as do other Americans, desire change but not at the cost of implementing a version of European socialism which has wreck havoc on world before. We are already witnessing the nationalization of the banking system and not only within the United States, but at a global level. This may be the global crisis the Solana seeks to turn into opportunity.
In the upcoming elections, what I am finding troubling is that on Barack Obama’s blog one may find his support for the Alliance of Civilizations initiative. He has said that in the interests of the common humanity, he will spend $5 billion annually during the first three years of his presidency implementing a Shared Security doctrine. I would ask of Barack Obama to carefully re-examine his affiliations and in particular the Alliance of Civilizations initiative. It is worth heeding Angelo Santagostino’s warning that “the UN has been often under attack as a useless institution. This time it has shown itself to be not so much useless but actually dangerous.”
Here is the slightly different version of the above article published by the Central Wisconsin Star News.